Responsible investing is rapidly evolving. We help financial institutions stay ahead of the curve by ensuring
- focus on meaningful ESG metrics,
- an inclusive approach to stakeholder engagement,
- value creation in line with the requirements of rapid decarbonisation of the global economy
Specifically, our services for the financial sector include:
Scenario Analysis (in line with the TCFD Recommendations)
We support you with scenario analysis exercises in line with the latest guidance on the TCFD Recommendations. Ideally, we will arrange a full-day workshop involving senior and top management to provide an introduction to the Recommendations and why they are a critical risk assessment tool for corporations and financial institutions. We will help you define the scope and implement the actual analysis in close collaboration with key stakeholders. (These may include your supply chain partners.) The final deliverable is a report providing actionable insights to be integrated into the company’s business development strategy.
Green Bond 2nd Party Opinions
We provide second party opinions for issuers of green and sustainable bonds, following recognised international standards such as the ICMA Principles or the ASEAN Green, Social and Sustainbility Bond Standards. For bonds issued in Singapore, our services are aligned with the requirements of the MAS Sustainable Bond Grant Scheme. We will also be pleased to provide annual reporting on your use of proceeds.
Advisory on ESG-linked Loans
We support borrowers and banks in the process of negotiating ESG-linked loans with guidance on meaningful KPIs and targets. Thus, borrowers realise additional benefits beyond the discount on the loan’s interest rate, by ensuring the loan criteria are fully aligned with their material issues and corporate strengths. We also ensure to maximise synergies with the company’s overall ESG performance and recognition by SRI investors. Meanwhile, lenders can expect to see a meaningful improvement of the loan’s overall risk profile.
Development / Review of ESG Investment Policies
We help asset managers, family offices and institutional investors define and/or review their ESG investment policies, taking into consideration the various emerging regulatory requirements as well as the needs and expectations of SRI investors in the region and globally. Especially where an investor or manager is serious about integrating ESG criteria into their portfolio, but does not (yet) have budget for dedicated headcount, we provide support through outsourcing.
Market Research
Sustainable finance is evolving very rapidly with many competing frameworks and benchmarks. Meanwhile investors’ philosophies and specific requirements vary widely – between Asia Pacific and the Western world, but also within the region. We support your investment strategies with targeted market research, including desktop research, surveys and interviews with leading experts and key stakeholders.